The Universe of Madness is a project in which the worlds of psychiatry and art collide. The coming years Michaël Bloos will build, together with Company New Heroes and other artists and partners (from museums to mental health care organizations) a Universe of Madness. Through theater, film and podcast he’ll try to make sense of losing one’s senses.

A personal experience led Michaël to start this project. 

Last year, my father lost his mind in Istanbul, on his way to the Museum of Innocence. And while he slowly fell into psychoses, he went missing in a city of 21 million people.  

I have several fathers. Three in fact. Two of them are bipolar. With two bipolar father,s and thus possibly having a genetic predisposition for manic depression, my youth was assigned to not become like them. To not go crazy. To not lose control of reality. To know what’s real and what isn’t. And yet, or maybe because all of this, I became an actor, director and creator. To find a way of dealing with this reality. 

Michaël Bloos

For more information please contact artistic coordinator Amber Bloos: amber[at]
